Twisted Wonderland Y/N Fanfiction
Today I’m having my lunch out on the grounds of Night Raven College. In the distance, the towering castle’s dark towers and high peaks never fails to stir a little fear in me. But, my curiosity grows each time as I wonder what I might learn while studying here.
Grim sleeps nearby, sunning himself on a rock. His belly is in the air, and his pitch-fork shaped tail waves back and forth. I begin to pick up my notes and pack up to return for my afternoon class.
“Hey, Y/N! Where do you think you’re going?” two students from Octavinelle shout as they approach me. They walk with a cool swagger, their dapper jackets laid over their shoulders. “Are those notes from potions today?”
“Yes, they are,” I answer, somewhat timidly. The students at Night Raven are often up to no good thanks to their villain-inflicted souls. “What do you want? I have to go to class,” I say.
“We want your notes,” one boy says with a sneer.
“No, I need them for the test,” I answer.
“Can’t we take a peek? Hand them over.” He reaches for them, but suddenly, someone rushes between the three of us and grabs his arm and pushes him back. It’s Jack Howl, a startlingly strong student from Savanaclaw. He places his large body between the bullies and me, his shoulders and arms bulging as he towers over them. A growl rumbles deep in his throat, his silver-white ears pitch forward, and his tail snaps in anger.
“Is this how two Octavinelle students pass their tests? By cheating and stealing notes?” Jack demands.
“W-we just wanted to borrow Y/N’s notes. We weren’t going to take them—I swear!”
“Did Y/N say you could borrow their notes?”
“No,” the student whimpers. They both tremble beneath Jack’s intimidation.
“Then, leave!” Jack snarls. The students jump out of their skins and high tail it away. When they are gone, Jack turns around to check on me as I shake and accidentally crumple my notes in my arms. I swallow and try to speak around my pounding heart that has risen to lodge in my throat.
“Are you okay?” Jack asks.
“I’m alright!” I answer with a gasp. Jack is even more impressive up close. His uniform jacket is tight over his muscular build. His gold eyes are piercing but, when they look down at me, something in them softens a little.
“Good job standing up for yourself, we can’t let others take the easy way out and get out of hard work,” Jack says. Then, he nods and leaves for his afternoon class. As he goes, his long arms swing by his sides, his hair and tail’s fur ripple in the soft wind. I’m spellbound. It isn’t until Grim wakes up and yowls that I realize I will be late to class!
The potions test looms closer as each day passes. Gym class is torture and as usual, Vargus-Senpai has us running the length of a field. He stands nearby in his red and gold-trimmed tracksuit, blowing his whistle and yelling at any students who slow down,
“Don’t stop running until you drop to your knees! For a cool down, you’ll hit the weights until you look as big and beautiful as me!” Vargus yells.
I’m lagging with the last group to start the run. The first group, led by Jack, is already rounding the track and coming up behind us. I bend forward and try to push more strength into my body, but my foot connects with a root and I fall, a sharp pain shoots up my leg.
“Y/N! Watch where you’re going!” Vargus shouts. He blows his whistle and runs over to me. The group running behind us catches up and stops. I gasp in pain and pull up my pant leg to expose my rapidly swelling ankle.
“It looks like you sprained it, someone take them to the infirmary!” Vargus shouts.
“I’ll take them,” Jack offers. He sheds his jacket and drops into a crouch. His back arches and his arms strain until in is a burst of wind, Jack shifts into his wolf-persona. His gold eyes meet mine from all his white fur and elegant form. He shakes himself and presses his wet nose against my ankle, I wince.
Vargus-Senpai picks me up and sets me carefully on Jack’s back. My ankle sends throbs up my whole leg and I protest the whole time,
“I can try to walk, are you sure he can carry me? I—”
“Stop moving,” Jack growls. I panic and put my hands on the fluffy mane of his neck. As he walks, I’m overly aware of the sway of his body and how his ears swivel towards every sound and movement around us. I wrap my fingers into his deep fur and fight the urge to touch them.
Once we make it to the infirmary, Jack lays down so I can get off safely. He shifts back into his human form and helps me onto a bed to put my leg up.
“The nurse will be here soon,” he says. “Y/N, are you feeling okay?” His hair sticks out at all angles since his shift. I want to fix it.
“It hurts a little bit, but I’ll be okay, I think.”
“You’ll just need some rest. Maybe you should start joining Deuce and me for our morning runs when you feel better. You might learn not to trip as much,” Jack says. A laugh spreads across his features, and I am shocked at the warmth I feel from him. He always seemed so serious and standoffish.
“You’re not what I thought, Jack,” I say, musing. I remember hearing that he loved to grow cactuses. Maybe there is a softer side to him after all.
“Nor are you, I suppose,” he says. He gets up and sits on the end of the infirmary bed, careful not to touch my ankle. “I don’t want to sound rude but, what are you doing here, anyway? You live in a haunted dorm all by yourself and you have no magic.”
“I don’t know. The headmaster says if I do well, I might be able to go back home. But, I’m not good at anything here. I’m weak, I have no magic, and, you keep having to help me with all my problems—I’m useless.”
“Well, you must be good at potions if those students wanted to steal your notes,” Jack offers.
“If it’s simple potions, I’m alright.”
“I’m terrible at potions. Maybe that’s how you can repay me for helping you. Do you want to study for the test together?”
“Really? You’d want to do that?” I ask.
Jack’s tail wags as he thinks. It brushes my legs. “Yes,” he answers. “I want to become the best magician—and the strongest. I need the top scores to do this. Also, you want to do your best because you need to go home. Y/N, it’s like we are two wolves with a cause—a pack. Let’s make sure we achieve our goals. Alright?”
“Yes, let’s start studying this evening then,” I answer.
That night, we study late into the night at Ramshackle Dorm. The ghosts stayed quiet as we studied, passing notes and books back and forth as we tried to decipher what Divus Crewel might put on his difficult tests. Jack told me a little about the cacti he grows and about where he and Deuce run every morning on the school grounds. Eventually, the notes were put aside, and we talked, getting to know each other deep into the night.
The week flew by, and our potions test came and went with nervous success. Jack and I continued to meet up outside of class even after the test was done. Today, I’m sitting up in the bleachers with his dormmates as he and a few teammates run around practice, preparing for the upcoming Magishift tournament. In his runs, his body launches into his shifts, transforming from man to wolf seamlessly. It looks like the white foam of water crashing on an ocean’s shore, how his white hair of his human form stretches to splash right into the form of a white wolf, and back.
They compete on the field and challenge each other. Each time Jack gains the upper hand, we cheer and stop our feet at the mastery of his “unleashed beast” magic. The contest isn’t for a few more weeks, but I am content to watch and cheer him on.
My ankle turned out to not be a full-sprain, and I am already back and walking again, albeit, carefully. Jack is excited to get me out and running, but I can’t imagine keeping up with him at any point. But, even if I am struggling to keep up, I know I’ll run harder and faster to keep him in my sight. Something in my chest stirs. I mentally wrap myself into the feeling like a warm blanket and smile.
Out on the field, Jack stops to catch his breath. He looks up at his friends until his gold eyes find mine. He smiles and waves.
Twisted Wonderland Y/Y fanfiction is a writing commission made for FairyOfThundera22 about Disney-Japan's game "Twisted Wonderland"