Terms of Service & FAQs

Everything you need to know about my writing and editing services in one place!

Terms of Service Document

This document dives into my terms of service, rules, customs, and various processes.

By ordering a commission or purchasing a service/product from Writing Daydreams to Reality, you are agreeing to my TOS.

Terms of Service

    1. Visit my Services page to complete an order form (for writing or editing commissions) or purchase a product via my shop.

    2. Once the form request is received, I will reach out to the client via email to discuss the project, estimate, and any questions either party may have.

    3. Once the estimate, project, and schedule is approved by the client, I will send you an invoice via Squarespace for project payment.

    4. Projects will not be scheduled or started until the payment is received upfront.

    1. Squarespace offers payments via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover, Apple Pay, Afterpay, Klarna, and Automated Clearing House (for US merchants only).

    2. I charge an extra 3% to cover all fees and expenses for invoicing.

    3. Do not attempt to send my a payment or money via other avenues without paying via the official invoice.

    4. DeviantArt Users: I do accept points/USD payments over on Deviantart.com's shop feature but with an additional 15% to cover platform fees.

    1. I have the right to refuse any project or commission idea.

    2. All writing commissions, I am the creator/writer but you are the sole owner/ creator of the ideas and characters (if they are your own OCs).

    3. If you repost any pieces that I write for you on DeviantArt, do not claim as your own writing and properly tag or provide a link to my profile.

    4. All commissions are nonrefundable unless I am unable to complete the work.

    5. All commission payments are only accepted upfront from DeviantArt points or via PayPal.

    6. General writing commissions are not to be used for commercial purposes.

    No Nagging:

    I get my work done in a timely fashion but, if there is an issue with nagging, I will give warnings. If it happens twice,  I will drop the commission. This is rude and disrespectful. If you have any questions or concerns, I would love to hear them but I do not want to open my inbox and see that I have the same message from you every hour or so.

    NSFW/ SFW Terms

    I do write NSFW pieces but no violent/abusive relationship subjects or fetishized violence and abuse etc.

    • I have the right to refuse any project or ideas.

    • NSFW pieces will not be posted on my account online and will be sent to the client only.

    • I will block and report anyone that approaches me with inappropriate/lewd behavior or requests.

    NSFW: What I write: 

    • Spicy, explicit scenes. When submitting your request, please let me know exactly what level of detail you are looking for.

    • Violence or action sequences that are non-sexual. Blood, gore, etc.

    • Fetishes: I do write fetishes but only if the content is consented and non-violent.

    NSFW: What I do not write: 

    • Any type of sexual violence, anything that glorifies or sexualizes violence. Absolutely no rape, sexual assault, or sexually abusive relationships in stories.

    • No underage characters--no aged up characters.

    • No furry fetishes in explicit NSFW content. (Furries are perfectly fine in SFW pieces)

    • No incest.

    • No idolization or sexualization/fetishizing of murder, suicide, self-harm, etc.

    • Absolutely no requests pertaining to or for the purpose of glorifying hate speech, or anything demeaning/ propaganda against any race, religion, gender, identity, faith, etc. etc.


    No trolling/ inappropriate behavior. I will end the commission with no refund.


    For personal/private or commercial commissions...do not claim my work as your own. These will be your ideas but it is the same as commissioning someone to paint your OC. It is the artist's painting. Only my ghostwriting commissions are you allowed to claim the work as your own.


    Only serious requests. Do not pretend to be a client when you are fishing for free editing. If you require editing services, read my editing commission information.

    No Student Work for Writing Commissions 

    Do NOT try to order a writing commission for something that you have to complete or are writing for a class no matter what grade, institution, etc. These projects will be refused and you will be blacklisted from my commissions and writing advice.

    • Cheating, plagiarizing, and more are serious offenses and can get you expelled/ suspended.

    • If you are struggling with a paper that you do not know how to write, ask your teacher, classmates, or ask your school for a tutor. Purdue Owl (Purdue Writing Lab) is a fantastic resource for students.

    Student Work for Editing Commissions

    To be simple, you can't hire an editor for your schoolwork. That's like paying someone to do your homework. I won't do that. What I can do is look over and suggest big idea ideas/ ways to improve your writing as I would if I was just a writing tutor.  (Note: Since that is not normal edits, papers like this are half price since I am only reading through and offering advice. See my proofreading commissions for more information.)

  • I accept payment upfront for my projects. I only issue refunds if I am unable to complete the project for a reason on my end. If you would like to see samples of my work, I have a portfolio or examples in my gallery for you to see. If I have to cancel a project because of a broken rule (nagging/ inappropriate behavior) I will not refund you. If you hire me to work on a project, pay me, and decide to cancel after I have already begun working on it, you will not get a refund.


  • Yes. If you would like to hire me for a big project, we can split it up into payments. Pay me for part one, and I will write it. Pay for part two, and I will write it.

  • For every client, I schedule it within a three-week window. I work Monday through Friday. If the project will take longer than three weeks, I will notify the client.

  • I work for many different clients at the same time. This allows me to schedule and complete work on rotation in the order I receive it.  For example, lengths such as 2,000 words can be completed in one day. 10,000 words can take anywhere from a week to a month. It depends on the story. But as I said, it depends on the projects that I am working on at the same time.

  • Projects are first come first served. I generally create anywhere from 5,000 to 12,000 words a week or 100 to 300 pages of editing a week, depending on what orders I am working on. All projects are scheduled on my calendar once they are paid for.

    I do have rushed services available if you want to skip the wait list (limited availability).

  • I usually always have a sort of waitlist. When projects are being ordered, I will notify the client of the earliest date that I can start working on the project. Once the payment is submitted, I will secure those dates on my calendar. I will not save days or weeks for a commission that has not been paid for.

  • If you order a commission but do not ask for it to be done by a certain time, do not message me demanding it to be done on a random day (i.e.. the next day). This is rude and nagging. If you need it by a certain time, let me know and we will agree on a schedule that I will follow, if possible. Communicate what you need so I can help you to the best of my abilities. Rushed projects do have a fee, depending on the situation and my calendar at that time.

  • I am a fulltime freelance writer. I work 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST. I do not work on the weekends and I will answer notes, emails, and any questions within my designated working hours.

  • Sometimes I receive tips for a piece. First, this is not necessary but thank you in advance! But, if you do send a tip, this does not impact or change what I am sending you. Tips or any money above the agreed upon amount does not add words or content to your piece from the originally agreed upon word count.

    • To explain: I've had works in the past commissioned for a set price and a set word count. I've had a $5.00 tip sent before and the note said "I sent you a little tip~~ since I've done this for you, could you add 1,000 more words to my piece pretty please?" Absolutely not--this is unacceptable and does not work within our agreed amount. i.e. 1,000 words = $20.00

    • With this being said, if you would like to expand your order to a larger word count, note me and we can add that on with the proper payment.

Stories and articles to bring your ideas to life. Personal, commercial, and ghostwriting services.

In-line editing, proofreading, manuscript evaluations, and beta reading services. Improve your writing skills!

Querying Services

Query letter and synopsis assistance. Literary agent lists and support as you query your work (Coming Soon!)

Writing tutoring, one on one calls, fiction medical consultations, writing advice Q&A’s, and more!

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