Writing & Editing Services

From creating stories to in-depth edits, I have many services for writers and readers alike.

My writing and editing services are customizable products built to bring your idea to life. From writing stories for my clients, providing advice and edits, to guiding authors through the querying process… I am here to help you whether you are working on a project for fun or are trying to get your book out in the world!

Stories and articles to bring your ideas to life. Personal, commercial, and ghostwriting services.

In-line editing, proofreading, manuscript evaluations, and beta reading services. Improve your writing skills!

Querying Services

Query letter and synopsis assistance. Literary agent lists and support as you query your work (Coming Soon!)

Writing tutoring, one on one calls, fiction medical consultations, writing advice Q&A’s, and more!

405 Projects Completed!

Writing Daydreams to Reality has been creating stories and providing support to authors since 2019. That’s 5 years or 1,300 days of writing!!

Writing Advice Q&A Email Services:
Get a quick answer to your burning questions!

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Story Feedback:
Instant feedback on your story, characters, setting, voice, plot, and flow! See how your story is working well and what you can do to improve.

Fiction Medical Consultation Services:
Medical knowledge to bring character injuries, sicknesses, and medical-processes to life in your story.

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