First 5,000 words Feedback
Are you looking for quick feedback on your story? Skip my waitlist and receive writing advice and scene by scene feedback on your story, opening, setting, flow, voice, character development, tension, pacing, and more!
Are you looking for quick feedback on your story? Skip my waitlist and receive writing advice and scene by scene feedback on your story, opening, setting, flow, voice, character development, tension, pacing, and more!
Are you looking for quick feedback on your story? Skip my waitlist and receive writing advice and scene by scene feedback on your story, opening, setting, flow, voice, character development, tension, pacing, and more!
This content feedback will be focus on the big ideas in your story. I will provide feedback on your piece about the characterization, structure, flow, voice, setting, direction, and impact of your work.
(No in-line sentence- or word-level edits, no edits on grammar, punctuation, etc. If you are interested in line- or word-by-word feedback, please visit my Editing Commissions page and refer to my Line Editing Commissions.)
If you have more than one section you would like me to look at, you are welcome to make multiple purchases of this product, separately.
The Process:
This order is an email service and is NOT a physical product.
You will be asked to fill out a form when you make your order. Please copy and paste the text you would like me to review there.
Once the order is made, the client will receive an email confirming their purchase and notification of the dates in which their project will be worked on and completed. All orders will be completed within one week of ordering.
The client is welcome to ask for clarification on any points of feedback, but any additional questions or feedback can be ordered via my Q&A emails, or as a customized feedback, editing, or tutoring order.
All messages, answers, and order confirmations will be worked on and sent within the schedule of Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM EST/EDT. All orders placed over the weekend will be reviewed starting on the following Monday.
Absolutely NO AI or PLAGERIZED work!
Please keep your messages clean, polite, and professional.
Any inappropriate or spam messages not related to writing will cancel your project with no refund.
No bullying, hate messages, or rude behavior of any kind will be tolerated.
No refunds are available unless the client does not receive their answer within 1 week of ordering.
Any orders going against my content rules as stated in Danni Lynn’s Terms of Service will be cancelled.
Anyone who breaks the above rules will have their project terminated with no refund.
By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to Danni Lynn’s Terms of Services and rules.
5,000 words is the hard cut off for this project. If you submit anything more than 5,000 words in your form, I will only read and provide feedback on the first 5,000 words. If you would like to order more, you can make another order or visit my Editing Commissions page for more options.
Any stories, questions, or feedback related to mature/NSFW/ 18+ themes are only available for clients who are 18+ years of age. NO underage characters in 18+ content or themes.
Q: What if I want to submit multiple sections of 5,000 words for review?
A: You can do that! Treat them as separate orders, but you can submit as many as you like and I’ll be sure to provide feedback on each one. If you have a larger order, you would like fulfilled, please visit my Editing Commissions page for more information.
Q: I have 5,000 words I want you to look at, but it’s not the first 5,000 words in my book. Can you accept these?
A: Absolutely! But be aware, if I haven’t read what leads up to this section, my feedback on the story will only focus on the snapshot you provide me.
Q: How in-depth is your feedback?
A: This feedback is a mix of my manuscript evaluation, beta-reading, and content (Scene-by-scene) levels of feedback. In short, you will receive feedback on the big ideas in your story but there will be no sentence-level edits such as grammar, punctuation, etc. If you are looking for sentence- or word-level feedback, my Line Editing Commissions are a match for you!
Q: I don’t know if you can help me. Can I contact you first before I make an order?
A: Absolutely. You can send your questions to me via my contact page first.
Q: I work better chatting in person. How can you help me?
A: Let’s plan a call! I offer calls for tutoring, writing and editing assistance, and brainstorming. You can learn more about those services here.