My Work

From copywriting to short stories and novel-length works, I have much to share!

Commissioned & Published Works

I write a variety of stories across various genres, topics, and ratings. You can find my commissions, publications, editing projects, and interviews here.

New Publication in Marrow Magazine!

Photo by Daniel McCullough

“Is This an Interview or a Blind Date?”

Editor of Angel's Awakening comic by Daniel Parker.

Completed INDIEGOGO campaign.

Beta reader and script writer for Shane Hallawa’s story, The Stylite: Christmas in Alexantine.

Quarter-finalist in the Pitch Now Screenplay Competition Season 6.


Editor of Angel/ Guardian #1 comic by Daniel Parker.

Completed INDIEGOGO campaign.

Editor of Angel/ Guardian #2 comic by Daniel Parker.

Ongoing INDIEGOGO Campaign.

Beta reader and script writer for Shane Hallawa’s book, The Stylite.

Finalist in the New York Script Awards and semifinalist in the Screenplay Festival. and

Writer for the online indie comic, The Grand Prize, created by Warriner Animations.

Interviews & Features

Podcast guest, Boom & Spice Book Advice, 2022

Boom & Spice: Homemade Poetry Ep 10

Boom & Spice: Homemade Poetry Ep 11

Celebrating Deviousness Award

DeviantArt Deviousness Award

May 1, 2023

ArtHeart Vol. 27: Literature

Interview, Mar 31, 2023

The Ladies of Lit Interview

Volume CXVII Dec 7, 2020

Stories and articles to bring your ideas to life. Personal, commercial, and ghostwriting services.

In-line editing, proofreading, manuscript evaluations, and beta reading services. Improve your writing skills!

Querying Services

Query letter and synopsis assistance. Literary agent lists and support as you query your work (Coming Soon!)

Writing tutoring, one on one calls, fiction medical consultations, writing advice Q&A’s, and more!

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