Chrono Cross Crossover Fanfiction
3,000 word commission for JusticeGundam (I was commissioned to write CH 2 in an ongoing series.)
Chrono Trigger Cross Chapter Two:
Viper Manor, home of the Acacia Dragoons and the central base of El Nido rises from the cliffside of Viper Manor Bluffs, far above the sea’s crashing waves below. The manor is a stone construction of antique and ornately embellished architecture. A wall wraps around the property’s courtyards, dragon stables, and the watchtower that is just beginning to glow in the early night. Guards populate the entrance gates and pace up and down the stone walkways between decorations of greenery and shrubs.
Fresh from their defeat, Karsh and the Shaker Brothers make their way through the courtyards and into the Viper Manor to meet with the other Acacia Dragoons. Stepping over the seal of the Acacia Dragoons on the main foyer’s floor, Karsh heads straight to meet Zoah and Marcy to report his defeat at the hands of the ghost and that frustratingly strong little girl.
“Well look who’s back. Karsh, welcome—tell us about your exciting mission,” Marcy says when Karsh enters the room. She is lounging with her hands in her hair as she reties one of her blonde ox horns. She is wearing her armor: a silver breastplate, boots, buckler, and gauntlet. Her pink tutu flares around her legs and her deep blue eyes flicker up in Karsh’s direction.
Beside Marcy, Zoah is standing with his arms crossed behind his back. A mammoth of a man, he wears a helmet that conceals his face, but only minimal pieces of armor and leather decorate the rest of his body, exposing his bulging muscles and physical prowess.
“WELCOME BACK WARRIOR,” Zoah bellows in a deep baritone voice that echoes throughout the room. He uncrosses his arms and stands straight to attention. Marcy finishes her hair and sits up with a small smile on her face. Karsh gulps at this. He fumbles with the drapery of his white and red robes and picks at the halter around his waist.
“I was defeated,” Karsh admits. He explains what happened out on the cliffs by Serge’s grave. As the story unfolds, Zoah is expressionless for the covering of his helmet, but Marcy’s fingers twist deeper and deeper into her skirt as her frustrations blossom as a blush across her cheeks. The Shaker Brothers, short and gruff Peppor and tall Solt begin to back up to the edges of the room. It’s no place for minions when the Acacia Dragoons grow angry.
“Like—you did what?” Marcy snaps when the retelling is over. “How could you lose to that kid? You had only one job, right?”
Karsh puts up his hands and tries to shrug without looking too pathetic. His white hair whips around his shoulders as he tries to bat away their accusations.
“I tried my best, we almost had him, it was just that little pest—that cocky little thief—who showed up and tipped the scales of favor against us,” Karsh explains.
“Hah! You should have let one of us complete the job. Like, I would have done great. The ghost would be back here in a flash with me in control,” Marcy says.
“No, we were overwhelmed by their retaliation!” Karsh argues. His face flushes hot, he doesn’t want to take this treatment from the other dragoons. It’s always the worst when little Marcy starts up like this, but even he doesn’t want to spark her notorious anger that rivals his own.
“I had no choice but to retreat!” Karsh snaps.
“You’re kidding. You retreated from some lil’ kids?!” Marcy sneers. “Like, what a coward!” she teases.
“You’re one to speak,” Karsh snaps back to the youngest Acacia Dragoon.
“Hah! I would have wiped the floor with those pests! But you? Ya’ retreated—like, seriously??”
“I had no choice! It’s better to fight another day when you have a better grip of your opponent’s abilities and allies!”
“Sure ya’ did. Ya’ ran away like a little baby. I’ll fight them next time and be the one to capture the ghost!” Marcy exclaims. She stands up from her seat and stomps her armored feet. Zoah bobs his torso as if he is nodding to her statements. Although, he might be bobbing just in thought.
“Well, I still think, like if I was there—ya’ know?—this would have been done a whole lot faster,” Marcy says. She pouts a little and plops back into her seat.
“I’m sure,” Karsh says. He swallows and begins to look for an escape. “Well, I must continue on. I will need to report this unfortunate outcome to the General Viper before we plan our next mission.”
“Go on, I hope he sets you straight,” Marcy says. “Hah—good luck with that!”
“GO ON WARRIOR,” Zoah says with a salute. “GIVE YOUR REPORT.”
Karsh nods and then exits the room. Peppor and Solt hurry behind him. Solt takes a slow leisurely pace with his long legs and looks at the marble carvings and facades along the beige and warm halls of the affluent Viper Manor. Meanwhile, Peppor works himself into a rage, huffing and puffing as he walks.
“I can’t stand that little girl,” Peppor spits. He is growling and mumbling as he shuffles to keep up with taller brother and Karsh. Their footsteps echo down the hall. “She’s always saying that we are not fit to serve. I don’t care if she is one of the Dragoons, I’ll show her—”
“Huh, we’ll do it right next time for sure,” Solt says, cutting off his brother’s rant. Peppor shoots him a glare and raises his fist.
“Now now, I need to present your failure to the General Viper of all people. I do not want you to say a word during this meeting, do you understand? No more arguing,” Karsh says. He turns a corner and continues down another warm hall.
Peppor shrugs and rolls his eyes, “If you were paying attention, I was quiet during the meeting with the other Acacia Dragoons. It’s not me you have to babysit.”
Solt nods and looks at his brother questioningly. His thoughts blunder through his mind as he processes it at his own pace. “Hey,” Solt speaks up. “Neither of us spoke.”
“I don’t care if you did or didn’t speak, just don’t start now!” Karsh snaps. “This is too important. If you say the wrong thing, we will all get into trouble.”
Solt and Peppor sober their argument and fall silent, their fists clamped at their sides. Karsh continues to lead them through the many halls and rooms until they come to one of the parlors that has been transformed into the ruling General Viper’s office. Before the doors, Karsh straightens his robes and sweeps his hair back over his shoulders. He looks over Solt and Peppor once and decides to leave them outside.
“Just stay here, I’ll go talk to our general alone,” Karsh says.
“Yes sir.” The Shaker Brothers step back and stand along the hallway’s wall. Seeing that they are still and out of the way, Karsh opens the doors and enters the General Viper’s office.
The office is dim in the nighttime darkness. A few lamps and candles light the room, casting shadows over a statue bust, and in between the doorways in the room leading to the General Viper’s private and family corridors, his balcony, and more. From outside on the balcony, the trickle of water can be heard from a fountain.
General Viper, a past Dragoon and war veteran sits behind his desk. His great white beard that stretches to his chest contrasts his dark black coat and cape. Heavy shoulder pads extend from his shoulders, accentuating his already wide frame, strong and bold even in his old age. At Karsh’s entrance, the general looks up from his desk with a quiet expression. Karsh closes the door gently behind himself and enters the room. He sweeps low into a bow to greet the general.
“Good evening General Viper, I’ve come with news of my mission to capture The Ghost of the boy who died in the Arni fishing village several years ago,” Karsh announces.
“Dragoon Karsh, come in, come in and sit down. What news do you bring?” General Viper says. He lifts a large leather gloved hand and motions to the seat in front of his desk. Cautious, Karsh walks over and sits down, sorting what he will say to the general. His defeat at the hands of The Ghost—some kids!—is burning his shame deep into the reality of his hasty retreat after their altercation that day. He dreads admitting the defeat aloud to his general now. He especially dreads bringing up that he practically ran away from the fight. In good taste versus cowardice, it doesn’t matter when it looks so bad.
“Were you able to capture The Ghost as you were sent out to do?” the general asks.
Karsh deflates a little in his seat. He puts up his hands and tries to explain. “The Ghost—that Serge boy—had friends. There was a girl, Leena, and this fierce little girl-warrior, a cocky little thief with the way she stole in and beat us back. I underestimated his abilities and his sudden allies,” Karsh explains. With his failure out in the open, Karsh shakes a little bit. He’s not sure if it’s frustration or a worry of retaliation that makes his hands and lips quake as so. Karsh places his hands firmly on his knees and looks down as if he can avoid the disappointing look he assumes is to come from the general’s judgement. He feels his skin begin to boil in his frustration. How could he, Karsh, one of the great Acacia Dragoons lose to children? While he berates himself, the general is silent for a moment.
“I had them in my grasp!” Karsh exclaims with a moan. All he can see is the rude confidence of that smiling girl as she jumped in and ruined his plans to capture The Ghost. And above all, she didn’t even seem like she knew the ghost to begin with! What absurdity is that? What kind of stranger steps in to risk their life for someone they don’t even know?
The general is unmoved by his exasperations.
“I am gladdened by your safe return,” the general says. His voice is low, even thoughtful in its tone.
“What?” Karsh asks in surprise. He thought he was going to be punished for his cowardice. At least, that’s what Marcy has worked him up to believe. Running away from a mission definitely fits into a fair reason to be punished. There is no hiding his actions, he knows that he tried to save his own skin in spite of the task he had to complete.
Karsh looks up to see the general cross his arms and lean back in his chair. His beard shifts as he smiles.
“Yes, a retreat or no, ignore the other Dragoons if they mock your fleeing. If you are unable to fight today, it is best to pull back and prepare for a better chance tomorrow. Know your enemies and your limits.”
Karsh startles and leans back in his seat too, but in disbelief. The fierce leader of the Viper Mansion is known to care and protect his people, but every time he sees that side of the fearless leader, Karsh will never get used to the forgiveness that he extends to his Dragoons and warriors.
“But I failed your mission. How will we find them when they leave the reaches of Arni or even El Nido? What then?” Karsh asks. What is they travel into different lands and out of reach?
“We will find them. Do not worry about it, our mission will be complete. Patience and planning will get us to the end of it,” General Viper says to calm Karsh’s worries.
“Thank you, I will defeat them for sure at the earliest opportunity,” Karsh swears.
General Viper laughs. “You are eager. Luckily, you will not have to wait long for your next encounter. You and the other Acacia Dragoons might be meeting Serge and his allies in the near future. Until then, prepare and be ready to intercept them.”
“Yes sir,” Karsh says.
“Thank you for your report. I will be seeing you and the other Acaica Dragoons during your training tomorrow. Until then, rest well to give your best,” General Viper says.
Once Karsh gets up to leave the room and the door shuts closed behind him, General Viper is left alone. In the dark, his wonders and thoughts float forward to fill the empty space. As he reflects on these recent turn of events and the defeat of one of his Acacia Dragoons and their minions, it is quite unsettling about this task as a whole. He tries to brainstorm better approaches. As he sits in the silence, the trickling of water on the balcony returns to dominate the room as it bubbles away out in the warm night air. The general relaxes and continues to reflect on the news brought to him about The Ghost, Serge and his newfound companions. If what he said is true, getting the Chrono Trigger as he intends, might prove to be more difficult than they initially planned. Who knows what power one can wield when surrounded by friends and allies?
General Viper stands up behind his desk. His back and body are stiff, he gets up with a grunt, pushing himself from the desk. Walking stiffly to the center of his office, only the sounds of his breathing, the fountain outside, and the soft ripple of the wind coming in from the open windows occupies the dark. But something changes. As if it stepped out of the very shadows before him, a creature appears to now stand before General Viper. The General takes a step back at the sudden appearance and reaches for his belt, but a stranger this creature is not.
Tall, the creature towers over the general’s large frame. His lithe and muscled limbs stretch out into clawed hands and curling ears poke from the top of his feline head. He wears a layered black military outfit. It is ornate with a high neckline, a black trench coat tied with a purple obi, black pants and a gray sash come to the top of his black leather boots. Across his shoulders, a black mantle spreads and flashes yellow when the inside is exposed by any movement.
“Lynx,” the general begins. Between the two, there are no greetings, just discussion. The general picks his words carefully as he tries to judge the reactions of the feline demi-god carefully. With his recent strange appearances, it is hard to see what this creature’s true intentions are or if he can even trust his word completely. “Is this Ghost really who you were talking about? How could he appear years after his initial death, walking around like the rest of us?” the general asks. As many times as it is explained to him, the story and tiny details confuse him every time. It’s getting hard to know and even understand as he learns more and more.
The Lynx’s lips twist into a sneering smile. His lips stretch to reveal pearly white fangs between his pink gums. His whiskers tremble. His sharp eyes narrow into the perfect image of a cunning, untrustworthy creature.
“Yes,” the Lynx says. “This is The Ghost, the boy that we are looking for. Born as Serge, he’s come back as an abomination to our timeline. But if we capture him, he is the key because soon, the Chrono Trigger will be in our hands. Don’t you worry about the details, just continue to do as I say, and you and your people won’t have to face any sort of calamity.”
The general nods. The mention of the supposed calamity gives him pauses and rising nerves every time he hears it. As the Lord of El Nido, he will not let such a thing befall his people. “I will do what it takes to secure the Chrono Trigger,” he confirms. “I will never let such a calamity befall us or anyone.”
“Good,” the Lynx says. “Good.” His words fall flat as he takes in the General’s responses. The feline demi-god stays still for a moment’s thought.
Just as he appeared, the Lynx’s ears twitch and suddenly he is gone. Only an empty room is left before General Viper. With the creature gone, the silence around him returns. The fountain drips in the warm night, and a soft breeze pushes against the window drapes. Shadows flicker and are cast across the face of the bust-statue in his office. The General Viper is left to plan what to do to achieve defeating The Ghost that has come back to this land in a most unnatural way, and to secure the Chrono Trigger’s where abouts to protect his family, people, and land. With the brute strength of the Acacia Dragoons, their minions, and more, soon, Serge The Ghost and his little friends will fall into their hands.
Here is chapter two for JusticeGundam 's Chrono Cross Crossover Fanfiction. If you are looking for chapter one, you can find it on their page since I've joined the project as a writer starting with chapter two. This was a fun piece to work with!