Araignee's Corruption of Camelot

Araignée’s Corruption of Camelot

Commissioned by: @Mirrokhaos

Written by: Danni Lynn

4,000 words

March 22nd, 2023

Yells and the echoes of fighting reverberate through the marble hallways of the national museum and art gallery. Araignée kneels in an alcove with her back to a wall. Her shoulder length orange hair is tangled as it loops over her shoulders. Her brown and blue accented top hat is slightly askew as she peeks around the corner of her alcove and sees nothing but the polished flooring and Greco-era statues at intervals. Her hands are covered in blue lace as she grips the collar of a news journalist who is sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest and a notebook clasped in her shaking hands. The girl must be in her early twenties, possibly an intern at a news company. Dressed in slacks and a light polo-shirt, she watches Araignée with wide eyes.

“Just wait a little longer,” Araignée whispers. She smiles, twisting her lips into a wicked grin. “If you stay quiet, I’ll grant you the enjoyment of a story. I’m here to find some clues about a prized artifact. Once I’ll tell you why I’m after it, then maybe you can help me…”

A yell and the clatter of hurried footsteps echo in the distance, the sound warps as it travels down the museum’s twisting hallways. Araignée’s allies, the Sisters of the Scorned Tigress Battle Nuns are taking over the museum and are holding off the police outside. Soon, once enough chaos is caused, the Blasting Fists Heroine Team is sure to arrive. Once they do, then Araignée can coerce them into helping her find her prize. The hostages, including the journalist, will come in handy for that.

“Open up your notebook and start taking notes,” Araignée orders. The journalist, with her collar still pulled tight against her neck, swallows, and scrambles for her pen. “I am going to give you an exclusive interview! When you leave this museum, I’m sure everyone will be clamoring to know about your experience. In the meantime, I’ll tell you why I am here and what I am trying to do. I am a hero, trying to save and libertate a Renaissance Camelot painting that resides in this museum. It is key to helping me find something very valuable to me. Have you ever heard of The Chessboard of Gwenddolau son of Ceidio?”

The journalist shakes her head as she scribbles on her pad. “Why do you need it?”

“Well, let’s let the story unravel itself, shall we?” Araignée answers.

“Are you stealing it? You are a super villain… I’ve seen articles about you before,” the journalist asks.

Araignée pushes her face into the journalist’s, so they are nose to nose. The girl leans back against the wall as Araignée darkens into a scowl. Her corset creaks as she bends. “What’s your name?” Araignée asks.

“Jennifer. Jennifer Wilkes of the Sunrise Journal,” Jennifer answers.

“Jennifer, I know our meeting is accidental. You just happened to be here as I conducted my research… but I think this is a great opportunity for you. You see, I work to liberate great pieces of art and history around the world from the clutches of these collectors and museums. I believe art belongs to the people and has great knowledge to share. The painting I was here to see in particular will help me find the chessboard I am looking for.”

Before she began her attempt to take over the museum, Araignée spent all morning staring at the Camelot painting.

“I’m going to give you an exclusive interview. Are you ready? There is a good reason I am after this timeless treasure. I wish to restore the lost thirteen treasures of Great Britain, and I am willing to travel across time and the multiverse to do so…”


Centuries ago, during the British-Romano period of England’s history, England was ruled by the Ancient Roman Empire during the 5th century. Great power struggles rumbled across the craggy lands and in the heart of it all, the legend of Camelot stood as a testament to England’s many sons and daughters. King Arthur was a fair ruler who championed peace and independence among his people. The castle of Camelot is a grand stone structure complete with turrets, an inner and outer bailey, courtyard, and keep where King Arthur’s court and roundtable resides.

Araignée stands knee-deep in a bracken-filled field as the stone towers of Camelot rise in the distance. Her long red hair extends down her back like a flag in the wind. She wears a suit of armor, a chainmail skirt with steel plating, braced leggings, and white sandals. Her plumed helmet is under one arm and a sword is sheathed at her side. A small red wyvern sits on her arm, expelling smoke with a scratchy cough. Araignée strokes the lizard’s throat as she makes her way toward the castle.

“This will be our new home—a grand place to explore, don’t you think?” Araignée says to her pet, and more to herself. She has come far to visit Camelot. The knights of the round table are well respected fighters and defenders. “We’ll have to see what knights want to join my cause—to secure a hold on this land and establish my own rule as I search for Great Britain’s’ lost treasures. Wouldn’t you like that?” The lizard chirps.

Camelot is a legend that dissolves into history as the centuries march on. As a wizened time-traveler, Araignée is determined to capture Camelot, rule it, and preserve its power throughout the ages so such a gemstone of English history is not lost. Preserving this history will only benefit her multiverse-wide art projects that she has been working on. It is sure to be a great addition!

As Araignée approaches the castle, the landscape darkens into beautiful fae pools and stands of dark pine trees. Making her way through, she steps onto a cobblestone path that leads to the castle. Her wyvern leaps into the air and flies away in search of an afternoon snack. In the trees, a small voice can be heard in the distance.

Creeping around a bend in the path, Araignée comes upon a crystal pool where a young woman crouches in the shallows, unperturbed by the water swathing around her body as she fingers water lilies and handles small creatures in the pool. The woman sings softly to herself as tadpoles slip through her fingers and a soft wind stirs her long dark hair. Araignée steps closer, with one hand on the spindly body of a pine, as she watches the woman.

The woman stands up, shakes out her skirts, and wades back onto land, her pale bare feet sinks into a plush carpet of moss circling the pool. Slipping on a pair of embroidered slippers, she looks up for the first time, and notices Araignée.

The French woman wears a long belted-dress and is adorned in handcrafted jewelry that sparkles in her hair, at her wrists, and chest. Deep brown eyes shine under her firm brow and a sharp nose in difference to her soft smile. The water has darkened the hem of her dress, but she is unbothered, at peace with her natural surroundings. Someone with such finery and grace can only be queen of this land, so she must be—

“Lady Guinevere,” Araignée greets. Araignée bows low, touching her hand to her belted sword in respect.

“Lady knight,” Guinevere responds. “What brings you to the lands and court of Camelot? Have you traveled far?”

“I would travel farther, milady,” Araignée responds, “to see such beauty.” Guinevere looks like a living statue, full of beauty and grace, making it hard for Araignée to remember to blink or even look away to avoid staring too long. The young soon-to-be queen, her story preserved in centuries of art to come, is vibrant as all the works make her out to be. Yet mystical in her humble relationship with the land, and love for the natural magic of wildlife around her.

Across the pond, a small campfire is smoking, and several ladies-in-waiting and guards sit around it, the members of Guinevere’s retinue.

“If you are tired, please follow me and my retinue on our way to the castle. We are nearly there, and King Arthur has plenty of food and warm cots to share. We have carried one of my father’s caskets of last season’s mead with us and plan to open it this afternoon at court and would be happy to share such a delight with a brave knight like yourself.”

“Thank you, that would be wonderful,” Araignée answers. As lady Guinevere approaches her, Araignée stands still, only slightly turning as Guinevere steps away from the pond. In the shadows of the trees, small slivers of sunlight filter through to sparkle on her hair and dress. Guinevere strikes a beautiful figure and to Araignée’s discerning eye, would make a beautiful statue—clearly obvious as to why this woman will be a muse to artists over the next half a millennium. Such a statue would be a beautiful addition to her collection. With such a love for Camelot mythology, Araignée can enjoy the statue and take Guinevere’s place in Camelot as the new queen. As queen, she can get close to King Arthur himself, take control of the Knight’s round table, and rule however she wants.

It is the perfect idea.

Araignée smiles as her wyvern returns and alights into a tree above. Lifting her hands and stepping away from her tree, Araignée calls upon her powers and a bright light shines forth from her outstretched palms. Guinevere only has time to gasp as the light casts over her body and all color drains from her face. The flowing fabric of her dress, her soft skin, and the bounce of her hair all hardens into stone. With a crackle of energy followed by silence, the living and breathing Guinevere is no more. A statue of great beauty stands in her place, now only a memory of the woman that was.

Araignée smiles and cracks her knuckles. She shakes out her hands and then changes her own outfit. Her suit of armor disappears, and she dons a light brown gown, detailed with blue lace and leather fittings. Her hair is braided back under a blue silk veil. A small gold circlet decorates her brow.

Across the pond, a woman shrieks. A lady-in-waiting leaps up and points to the statue of Guinevere. The retinue jumps up but Araignée only smiles as dark forms appear out of the trees and her Sisters of Battling Tigress restrain the group. Four sisters join Araignée who waves her hand and transforms their armor into dresses, to be her own ladies-in-waiting. With that handled, Araignée lifts her arm and accepts the return of her wyvern.

“Let’s go introduce King Arthur to his new future queen,” Araignée gloats.


A castle servant escorts Araignée into the castle’s candle-lit depth and bows, letting her into a long hall with roaring fireplaces on each end. Araignée’s retinue of disguised Sister of the Battling Tigress follow behind her and line up, each bowing low and curtsying. Standing before one of the fires is a tall man with a cloak of furs around his broad shoulders, thick hair, and a gold crown upon his head.

“King Arthur, I announce the audience of Lady Mariette.” The servant stays low, twitching his hand to bid Araignée to enter the room. Stepping inside, Araignée, Lady Mariette, walks up the hall slowly, savoring the whisper of her gown and soft leather shoes in the expansive room. Letting her presence speak for itself, she approaches in proud silence. King Arthur turns from the fire, a rich brown beard covers his chest and his famous sword, sits in a scabbard on his hip.

“Lady Mariette, welcome to my home,” King Arthur says, his eyes twinkling.

Araignée approaches and then dips into a low curtsey, tipping her head forward. “My King.”

“Lady Mariette is a foreign bride from Ka-milo-te, seeking a treaty of peace and compliance with your kingdom,” the servant announces.

“You may leave us,” King Arthur says, his deep voice traveling across the distance of the hall at a low rumble. The servant bows and leaves.

“The halls of Camelot are open to you,” King Arthur says. “I did receive word that a foreign bride would be gracing our presence here.”

“Have you chosen a bride to wed, yet?”

“Not at this time. You are the first to arrive. But I am taking my time seeking who I should rightfully share my throne with. With a queen at my side, I will be the undisputed king of these lands.”

“And a talented ruler you will be. A legend for the ages,” Araignée agrees. She dares to step closer to King Arthur and peers into the fire. Something about him is drawing her in. There must be more to this man who becomes a legend. What attributes create such powerful stories?

“Come, meet my knights of the round table,” King Arthur offers. “You will be seeing them often during your stay in the castle. We will share our food and drink with you.”


Having traveled to this other reality where time was paced long after Earth-16’s timeline, and Camelot age was still present day, Araignée is eager to explore the courts of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Inside, the great hall is decorated with burning candles, lit chandeliers, and long wooden tables and benches, all bathed in the light of fireplaces circling the room. Aromatic smoke has stained the walls and ceiling to a deep black and perfumed rushes are scattered about on the floor.

At the center of the room, a grand circular table sits with a crowd of knights around it. The knights of the round table are talking and drinking as servants carry in platters of food and set them out on the other tables in preparation for a feast.

Araignée is welcomed into the busy atmosphere with many handshakes, bows, and curtsies. A woman approaches her, wearing dark robes and has long brown hair.

“Welcome to King Arthur’s Court, I am the court mage, Morgana Le Fey,” Morgana says. She lifts her hand to point out the others around the table. “The woman in green and silver armor is Emonie.”

Emonie turns and bows to Araignée. She is a shocking replica of Chartreuse Spinner from Earth-16. She wears bright green lipstick and has short black hair and olive skin.

The traditional knights now standing around the table, waiting to be introduced, are actually the counterparts of the Burning Fists from Earth-16, in this alternate reality. Recognizing and adoring them, Araignée is eager to meet them all, one by one.

“Wymark is another of our knights.” A bi-pedal lion-like man in gold and blue armor adorned with a cape smiles. Morgana points to a knight with coal-black skin and bright-red hair. “This is Erneis and Imbertus is the one already down in his cups.” Imbertus wears half a suit of silver armor, his chest plate and shoulder armor on the ground as he sips from a mug of mead. “Sapphira,” Morgana lists, pointing to a woman in a teal-blue veil and armor. “Beatrix is the orc carrying in the kegs.” A woman with green skin and large tusks and green armor is in the corner of the room helping the servants set up. Araignée smiles. Beatrix is a counterpart of the senior Sisterhood of the Scorned Tigress, Britheue. This may help her situation well. “Simone is the knight in red, and Guiscard has the eyepatch.” Everyone nods in Araignée’s direction and a flurry of greetings flit about the room.

`A man with blue skin, a purple mustache and hair, and roman-style gold armor bows to Araignée. “I am Bruiant,” he announces. “And these troublemakers are, Aveline, Aylard, Lillian, and Bethia. Bruiant points to four knights who are unmistakable in comparison to their counterparts. Aveline, AKA Vermillion Widow, has short black hair and wears armor that is much heavier than her red leather outfit and black fishnets she wears on Earth-16. Aylard, AKA Aylilu, is short with dark skin and heavy armor, suiting his usually compact figure and posture. Lillian is unmistakably Commodore Lily and looks stunning in heavy silver and blue armor complete with a handspun tunic and decorated bracers, so unlike the space-age jumpsuit she wears in her space-age timeline. Lastly, Bethia, AKA Broeunia, is buff as ever in a simple set of armor, exposing her muscled thighs and biceps. Her short red hair is tied back in double ponytails and her mouth is wide open as she laughs at some joke Lillian whispered.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Araignée exclaims. She beams and soon the feast begins. King Arthur retires to his quarters as the festivities break out. Roasts, baked vegetables, pies, breads, and golden mead, fill the tables. Everyone chats and shares stories. Araignée makes her way around the room, refilling cups to the rim and getting close to every knight that she can.

Sidling up close to Imbertus, she sits on his lap and offers him another cup.

“Are you going to be King Arthur’s bride?” Aveline asks from across the table.

“That is my hope,” Araignée answers.

“When will you be married?”

“Where are you from?”

“How many brides can one king have?”

Araignée kisses Imbertus on the cheek and then passes her half-drank cup to Erneis. These knights are so adorable. She pinches Imbertus’ cheek. Enjoying the gorgeous people around her, she gets up and passes around the table, clasping hands with different knights and joining in the joyous laughter. If she is going to spend one night in the amazing halls of Camelot—a place she has always dreamed of exploring—then she should make the most of it! Seduction is one of her many talents, anyways.

Soon, musicians are called in and armor is removed so everyone can dance. Araignée’s retinue joins the dance, finding partners and seducing them all the same. Their smooth conversations fill the air between the music and patterned footsteps. Guiscard sweeps Araignée off her feet and others come close to get to know her. Their arms entwine and Guiscard leads her into a passionate dance. Passing to partner with Aveline next, they sidestep and spin as Araignée charms everyone around her. She strokes the cheek of her next dance partner and soon the room grows warm as the dancers are overcome by the many cups and drinks of sweet mead. Servants bring out floral scented rush mats and thick woolen blankets are laid out by the fire. The celebrations slow down as everyone sits and fills more cups, covering each other with attention. A frenzied love begins to spread, pulling down all barriers between class and customs. Araignée sits in the center of it all, attracting attention in getting close to everyone. She, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Sisters of the Battling Tigress push the night into one of excitement, ecstasy, and joy.

Late into the night, Araignée pulls herself away from the party after it tones down and sneaks down the castle halls. Carrying a candle, she smooths her hands over her dress and tries to neaten the pleats of her hair. Arriving at King Arthur’s chambers, she gently knocks and steps in. King Arthur is sitting in bed, clad in a simple gown and his long hair streams down his shoulders and past his chest.

Araignée stumbles to a halt. King Arthur is not a king. It is a woman sitting in the bed with the same broad forehead and flat nose, rich dark hair, and deep eyes. A woman of trickery herself, Araignée approaches cautiously, but is overcome with curiosity.

“You’re not really King Arthur, are you?”

“I prefer Queen Arthuretta,” the woman says. She pats the bed and invites Araignée to sit down. “Did you have a nice time in the keep?”

Araignée giggles. “Yes. I got to know all your knights very... personally.”

Queen Arthuretta smiles. “I’ll have to consider joining the festivities next time. But tell me. Why are you here? Why have you approached me as a suitor?”

“Tell me who you really are, first.”

Queen Arthuretta picks up a ring on her bedside table and puts it on. Her face and it transforms into that of the male King Arthur. She puts the ring back on before returning to her feminine form.

“My half-sister, Morgana gave me this magic ring. I am King Arthur but... the people in this land believed that only a man could pull the sacred sword, Caliburn, from the stone. I took on the form of Arthur in order to pull the sword, but I wish to rule as Arthuretta. No matter what gender, the same people demand that I take on a bride or a groom in order to be an official ruler,” Queen Arthuretta explains.

“Can anyone become the king or queen?”

“I am a rightful ruler. I am the eldest daughter of Uther Pendragon. The people just didn’t want to accept a queen alone. I’ve remained as King Arthur to avoid giving up the throne to another man.”

Araignée smiles to herself and takes Queen Arthuretta’s hands in hers. “King or Queen—I see a woman trying to take her rightful place. You are powerful, smart, and strong. I would like to aid you in your quest to rule this land. I think together, we can make an incredible team.” Araignée curls up next to Queen Arthuretta with their hands tucked between them. They begin to share stories about their goals and hopes. Araignée talks about her goal to find and preserve England’s lost treasures and—


“Okay, Araignée. Your time is up!”

Araignée startles. She is in the museum with her hand on the journalist’s shoulder as none other than Vermillion Widow in her red leather outfit and fishnet tights stands over her with her hands on her hips.

“What? How did you get here?” Commodore Lily and Alilyu appear from down the hallway with one of Araignée’s battle nuns tied up between them.

“We’ve defeated your sisters. The hostages have been freed, and you are now surrounded,” Vermillion Widow answers with a smirk. “What did you think would happen when you tried to take over a museum? We would just let you take what you want and get away with it?”

Araignée stands up and puts out her hands, in a mock position of arrest. “I was just here to do some research. My friend here, the journalist, was sharing in a special moment with me about my past. If you want to hear my story as well, you can always sit down and join us. Have you ever heard of the infamous orgy of the round table?”

“No time for chit-chat,” Vermillion Widow answers.

Araignée shrugs. “It’s a great story.” Before Vermillion Widow can respond, Araignée grins and fades away into thin air, making her escape with a classic short jump into time.


The End

This story features the vibrant characters of MirrorKhaos

Be sure to check out their galleries to learn more about these characters and these stories. In today's story, the time-jumper, Araignee is trying to uncover ancient artifacts and goes to the national museum and art gallery in this search. While her search is cut off, she takes a journalist hostage and decides to share her story with her as an, "exclusive interview."


The Beast Under the House


The Watcher in the Snow