First Name
Last Name
What services are you interested in?
Personal/Private Commissions
Commercial Commissions
Ghostwriting Commissions
What is the name of your project or story?
What is your estimated budget?
How many words would you like your story to be?
Is your story SFW or NSFW? What is Your Age?
If your story includes content that is meant for mature audiences, please confirm your age below (I will automatically deny any NSFW requests who skips this question). I have the right to refuse service to anyone who I suspect might be underage.
SFW (Safe for Work)
NSFW (Not Safe for Work)
I am over the age of 18.
I am under the age of 18.
What is your piece about?
Please include IN ORDER all notes about your plot and story idea. Tell me what happens and what you would like me to write. Tell me what you would like me to make up/ improvise, and what parts must be in the story. If your notes are out or order or are all over the place, I will charge an extra $15.00 on top of your commission price to put the notes in order and build your outline for you. Don't forget to tell me how you would like your story to end.
If this piece is a FANFICTION please include links to the references I will need to write the story.
Please explain everything and exactly how you expect it to be written. If something is not listed here, it will not be in the story. This includes details such as the delivery of the story or experiences written about as well.
If this is a NSFW request, please include specifically what details make it NSFW—do not say “it is up to the writer.” Being explicit work, I can only write exactly what you tell me to avoid any surprises. I will not take requests without specific details.
Please list all the characters you want in the story, and what I will need to know in order to write about them. Details can include what they look like, their roles in the story, what they like/dislike, their wants and fears, relationships, backstories, characteristics, and more. The more the better. I can't guarantee everything will be mentioned in the story (Unless you want it to be) but it really helps me get a better understanding of what you would like.
Please include links to any files of character pictures, references, wiki links, and more. All fanfiction pieces require reference links to each character.
What point of view is your story in?
First Person POV (I, me, my)
Third Person POV (he, she, they)
Second Person POV (You)
Reader Insert
What tense is your story in?
Past Tense (They walked to the store)
Present tense (They walk to the store)
What is your goal for this story?
For Fun
To Sell
To Post and Share Online
Have you read, understood, and agree to my rules and terms of service?
Rules and Terms of Service Document & FAQs:
When your project is done...
With the client's permission, I post and share finished WRITING COMMISSIONS in my gallery as a part of my portfolio. I respect and do not claim any ideas as my own and if the client wishes to remain anonymous for any reason, then their writing is only sent straight to them, is not mentioned, or posted anywhere.
Please pick one of the following:
Danni Lynn has my [the client's] permission to upload (with credit) to their DA profile
I do not give permission for my project to be shared on DA, in any DA postings, and I wish to remain anonymous.
Danni Lynn has my [the client's] permission to upload my commission to their DA Profile but I wish to remain anonymous.
May I share your project's WIP?
As a follow-up to the previous question. If you selected the following:
"Danni Lynn has my [the client's] permission to upload (with credit) to their DA profile." or "Danni Lynn has my [the client's] permission to upload my commission to their DA Profile but I wish to remain anonymous."
Please Answer the following. If you selected no permission in the previous question, please skip this one. None of these actions will be taken or completed until after the entire project has been completed and closed.
Danni Lynn has my [the client's] permission to upload (with credit) work-in-progress content such as outlines, drafts, and story notes to their DA profile, social media, and website as samples of work and writing lessons.
Danni Lynn has my [the client's] permission to upload (without credit) work-in-progress content such as outlines, drafts, and story notes to their DA profile, social media, and website as samples of work and writing lessons. I wish to remain anonymous.
Danni Lynn does not have my permission to upload any work-in-progress content after the project has been completed.
Anything Else? Please let me know if you have any questions!
How did you hear about WDD2R?
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