Writing Commission Order Form

Fill out this form to submit your order request.

Let’s write your story.

Please fill out this form to submit your project request. These questions will help me learn more about your story and how to best customize my services to your needs. Once you complete this form, I’ll reach out to you via email with my response, any questions I may have, and an estimate.

If you need to look up any prices or service information, refer back to my writing commissions page!

Stories and articles to bring your ideas to life. Personal, commercial, and ghostwriting services.

In-line editing, proofreading, manuscript evaluations, and beta reading services. Improve your writing skills!

Querying Services

Query letter and synopsis assistance. Literary agent lists and support as you query your work (Coming Soon!)

Writing tutoring, one on one calls, fiction medical consultations, writing advice Q&A’s, and more!

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