Skylanders: Love of Two Dragons Fanfiction

Skylanders: Love of Two Dragons

Commissioned by: @mrzillaman

Written by: @writeddreams2reality

500 words

The Ruins is a mystical main island hub that offers a home and center of operations for the thirty-two various Skylanders. After the core of light had been restored, a peace settled over the land and the island regained its former glory. One morning, as the aquamarine waves lapped the shore, two pairs of youthful dragons met separately on the island’s cliffs.

A purple dragon, by the name of Spyro, with yellow wings and horns, sat back as a brown wingless rock-dragon named Bash moped.

“How can I confess my feelings? I can hardly look at her without bursting,” Bash groaned. Spyro rolled his eyes.

“Bash, you never let anyone get in your way. How can you not tell Whirlwind how you feel? Where is your charming rock-headed determination?”

Bash thumped his mace-shaped tail. His red eyes burned with embarrassment about beautiful, ethereal Whirlwind.

“I’m nervous…”

“If anyone can admit his feelings and stay the course of a confession—it’s you. What other dragon was so stubborn that they learned how to fly without wings?” Spyro asked.


Near the shore, Cynder and Whirlwind were deep into a whispered argument. Whirlwind, a blue unicorn-dragon, had a long horn protruding from her forehead and large feathered wings.

“Oh, Cynder, I don’t know if I can do this! Every time I see him, I want to run away! How could he like someone like me?”

Cynder’s triangular head turned as she watched Whirlwind pace back and forth. Cynder was an undead dragon with deep purple scales, a pair of wings, and a long tail.

“Why would he not want you?” Cynder asked.

“I never belonged anywhere. At least, I know you all accept me for who I am, but I just don’t know how someone could love me.”

“Everyone here accepted me and I’m a much harder pill to swallow.” Cynder flashed her teeth with a laugh.

“I suppose, but this is Bash we are talking about! He is so stubborn—”

“Sounds like you’re the stubborn one. You are brave, kind, and beautiful. I think it’s safe to confess how you truly feel.”


Whirlwind went for a walk along the shore. She came to a slope along the cliff and suddenly, Bash appeared at the top of the slope, walking with his head low.

“B-bash?!” Whirlwind whimpered with a gasp. She stumbled to a halt. Bash looked up and his eyes went wide, and his mouth dropped open, full of long teeth.


They stood rooted to the spot as an ocean breeze lifted and caressed the empty space in between them.

“Um, Whirlwind? There’s something I need to tell you.” Bash walked over to stand before her. He was shaking and opened his mouth a few times.

“Yes?” Whirlwind asked.

“I—” Bash shook his head and tried to be strong. “I love yo—”

Whirlwind gasped and accidentally kissed Bash as he leaned forward and looked up at her during his confession. Both dragons turned crimson before jumping apart.

Skylanders: The Date (Pt. 2)

Commissioned by: @mrzillaman

Written by: Danni Lynn

March 9th, 2023

1,000 words

Bash and Whirlwind walked together along the shore of a beach resort. Having just arrived for their date, they walked up and down the coast with the resort in the distance. Ember could be seen setting tables on the resort’s grand patio, and a low sun hung in the sky, casting long shadows across the beach.

As they walked, both young dragons snuck looks at each other, turning a deep crimson when caught. Whirlwind whipped her head out toward the sea as a salty wind stirred her feathers. She clacked her beak in nervousness. Bash’s spiked tail dragged a deep trail in the sand behind him as he waddled alongside Whirlwind, much shorter and struggling in all the sand.

Bash looked up and this time caught Whirlwind’s eye. They smiled, turning red once again, but the burning hues settled to a soft pink upon their scaled cheeks.

“I’m so happy you asked me out on this date,” Whirlwind said. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled, bashful after Bash’s sudden confession the day before. She hoped she would get a chance to act normal around him. Not accidentally kissing him again and none of the normal date problems such as being boring, tripping publicly, or accidentally spilling any food once they ate dinner later. There was so much to worry about but with the sand in between her toes and the gentle waves at her back, she couldn’t help but find a sliver of peace, even as Bash made her heart flutter.

“I can’t believe you said yes,” Bash whispered. He dug his claws into the sand and kicked some up. Whirlwind cringed away from the sand but then melted into a smile.

“How could I not? I never expected anyone to like me—”

“That’s nonsense. I’ve been crazy about you ever since we first met. Well, I liked you, that is.”

Whirlwind’s eyes grew wide, and her mouth hung open for a moment as she turned to face Bash straight on.

“What?! Really?” Whirlwind said with a gasp.

“Really. I feel like I’m walking on clouds right now.”

Whirlwind frowned and then looked up at the sky. Her wings lifted as another gentle wind rolled by.

“When we first met? It feels so long ago now. I was worried I wouldn’t fit in with everyone,” Whirlwind said. Bash slapped his tail on the ground.

“Worried?! I almost melted from my nerves when I first met you. You were—are—so beautiful. And you carry yourself with such grace, I knew you would be a great addition to our team. The Skylanders wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

“Really? Is that why you used to be so quiet around me? Were you shy?”

Bash nodded. “Shy and terrified I’d accidentally let anyone know about my crush on you.”

“Even so, you were always there for me. We’ve been on great adventures, haven’t we? I was always happy to be fighting at your side. Remember when we worked together for the Eternal Light Source mission?”

“Remember? I think about it all the time! Don’t forget the Core of Light too.”

“How could I? I was so amazed by all you accomplished!” Whirlwind exclaimed. “No one can beat your Rock Roll attack.”

Bash laughed. “Rock n Roll!” he crowed.

They resumed their walk as they calmed down from their shared laughter. They looped the rest of the beach and started to head back toward the resort for dinner.

“Back when I was hiding my feelings, I used to be so awkward around you. I remember any time you ever accidentally bumped into me or brushed against my wings, my heart would stop,” Whirlwind said.

“I used to overthink how I would look when fighting too. I never wanted to give up if you were watching,” Bash admitted.

Whirlwind nudged bash with her wingtip. “Maybe we can now focus on getting to know each other instead of hiding our feelings? It’s amazing we can talk about this now. I would have never imagined being able to tell you how you feel. I keep replaying the moment you confessed to me over and over again in my head!”

Bash grinned. “I almost whited out at that moment. I was so scared, but you are right. It’s amazing how far we have come. Scared young newbies to our first official date.”

Whirlwind and Bash entered the resort’s patio just as the tiki torches and overhead lights were lit. A sunset was blossoming out over the horizon and small candles dotted each table.

“My scaly lady and sir,” Ember said. She approached with a tray full of scrumptious dishes. She set a table nearby and in mock seriousness, bowed and flourished an arm toward the table. “Your dinner is served.”

Bash barked a laugh as Ember hurried away. Approaching the daintily laid table, he pulled out a chair and helped Whirlwind into her seat. Sitting across from her, he crossed his paws in his lap, unsure of how to begin.

Ember appeared with a bottle of sparkling water in hand. Popping the cork and pouring it into each glass, the shimmering liquid filled the flutes to just below the rim.

“Thank you very much,” Whirlwind whispered.

Ember bowed and disappeared again. Whirlwind picked up a glass and tipped it toward Bash.

“To you for taking the first step and confessing your feelings,” Whirlwind said. “And to us for what the beautiful future may hold.” She giggled as Bash picked up his glass and clinked it against hers.

“To us,” Bash whispered. Setting his glass down as Whirlwind took her sip, he took her paw in hand and kissed it gently. Whirlwind swallowed and before too much shock rippled over her features, she settled into a happy smile.

“And to more happy dates,” Whirlwind replied.

“Many more,” Bash agreed.

Bash drank his half of the toast and they began to eat as the sun sank lower on the horizon.


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