Fiction Writing Commissions

As a commissioned writer, I write a variety of fiction stories. This portfolio is made up of links to my fiction commissions and each piece is labeled by genre and the year they were written. What makes writing commissions so unique is that every order is different than the last. I am introduced to hundreds of characters, worlds, settings, and topics I have never written about. It’s exciting and challenging to approach. In these stories you’ll see my clients’ own fascinations and ideas coming to life as well.

The following stories were originally posted on my DeviantArt account or Wattpad account where they can be read. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve reuploaded them all here as blog-style posts for easy reading.

Danni Lynn McDonald Danni Lynn McDonald

One Last Job

6,000 words fanfiction action spy piece.

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Danni Lynn McDonald Danni Lynn McDonald

The Picnic

1,500 words word original character and fanfiction piece.

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